Sep 30, 2009

What’s in the October Shopping Cart?

Almonds – A super food with many amazing health benefits, including high Magnesium content, which helps keep blood sugars and blood pressure within a desirable range. Count out 15 almonds for a heart healthy snack on the run.

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 2

Lemon – Adding this acidic juice to your meals slows the rate of carbohydrate digestion, therefore blood sugars will slowly increase and avoid spiking! Try squeezing fresh lemons on steamed vegetables, salads, and fruits.

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 1

Kashi Heart to Heart® - Consuming 3 grams soluble fiber/day may lower your risk of heart disease, this cereal provides 1 gram soluble fiber per serving! Another natural way to lower cholesterol without using medications! Enjoy this cereal in the morning with milk, mixed with yogurt, or as a dry snack on the run!

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 2

Halibut - Two servings of fish a week will provide you with the essential fatty acids that will help lower your triglycerides and lower risks of cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attack or stroke). Try Halibut baked, broiled, or barbequed, and seasoned with fresh herbs, spices, and lemon juice.

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 1

Pinto Beans – Another super food, loaded with nutrients that you can count as a vegetable or protein! Each serving provides ~8 grams of fiber per ½ cup serving, that will help keep your blood sugar from spiking and your heart healthy. Buy fresh, frozen, or canned and enjoy daily!

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 1

Spaghetti Squash – Cut in half and bake this low carbohydrate, low calorie "pasta" in the oven at 350 degrees for 30-45 minutes or until golden brown. Take a fork and carefully scoop the noodles out. Enjoy plain or with sauce!

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 1

Strawberries – The rich red color provided by the phytonutrients in strawberries protects against heart disease and cancer. Strawberries are naturally very rich in Vitamin C. Try sliced strawberries with fat free cool whip for a sweet treat!

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 1

Cottage Cheese - Eating 3+ servings of low fat or fat free dairy everyday can help reduce the belly fat! Cottage cheese provides good sources of both Calcium and Protein. Enjoy plain, or try it mixed with fruit or on a salad.

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 1 (fat-free)

Green Tea – This soothing beverage contains Catechins, which have been linked with increased fat metabolism, weight loss and decreased waist circumference. Try for 1-3 cups per day!

Skinny Gene Ranking: Level 1

To learn more about our Skinny Gene Ranking System, please click here and check out our Rule of 2!

By Emily Barr, MS, RD, CNSC

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