Aug 4, 2009

An Unlikely Story

When you think of a person with prediabetes, do you picture an outdoorsy, 32-yr old marathon runner, ex-high school wrestler, father of 2 children (ages 2 and 4), and entrepreneur?

Probably not, but you should.

A true family man and loyal friend to many, Jarod focused his attention on other people and began to neglect his own needs. He found himself to be 30 years old and 60 pounds overweight, so he decided to do something about it.

Jarod used a fad diet program, kettle ball training, and even ran his first marathon in 2008. He lost some weight, but was unable to reach his weight loss goals. Frusterated, he came to the Skinny Gene Project for help. Not only did Jarod have extra weight to lose, but he also found out that he had prediabetes.

Jarod’s Goals: within 90 days

1.) Prevent diabetes- Bring his blood sugar from a prediabetic to a healthy range
2.) Lose weight- 7 % of his body mass or more
3.) Improve Running- Shave time off his 5ks, ½ marathons and marathons

Jarod’s Skinny Gene Program

1.) HbA1c test- Assess his risk for diabetes and heart disease
2.) 7-Day Food Analysis- Determine what foods and behaviors were slowing down his metabolism
3.) Ignite Your Skinny Gene- Personal, 1-on-1 consultation with a Registered Dietitian to teach him how to boost his metabolism
4.) 90-day Accountability- Continue the discussion with the dietitian to implement the program into his lifestyle

Jarod’s Success- After 90 days
1.) Fought off prediabetes- A new HbA1c test showed that his blood sugar was in a normal range
2.) Lost 7.8% of his body weight
3.) Shed 17 minutes off a ½ marathon, and 30 minutes off the 2009 Rock n’ Roll Marathon
4.) Shared a moment of glory with his son